Are their any API limitations or rate limits?

By default you can make up to 60 requests a minute!

As our API documentation is open to read, you have the freedom to make requests to our endpoints without any restrictions. However, to ensure the security and authenticity of your request, it is essential to include your personally generated API key. You can easily find your API key in your API settings.

By default, you have the capability to make up to 60 requests per minute. This allows for efficient and speedy processing of your requests. When you make any API request with you will receive three specific response headers which can help you manage your rate limit. 

rate limit headers

X-RateLimit-Limit | Lets you know your current limit.

X-RateLimit-Remaining | Lets you know how many requests you have left.

X-RateLimit-Reset | Lets you know how many seconds you have until your limit resets.

Using these three headers you can manage how many requests you make per minute.