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  2. Designing your mail

Using Logic in your text

Logic is easy to use {if} you use our automation.

What is logic?

Another great reason why you would want to use our designer and templates is that you can now use logic features within your text. This allows you to add further customisation and personalisation based on the data that you provide.

For example, you could write an if statement that says, if the country is US then use the "sidewalk" paragraph whereas, if it is GB use the "pavement" paragraph. This would allow you to send to both US and GB without having to change your design and setup multiple campaigns.

How to use Logic

While in the designer, add a text box to your design. From here as soon as you type the open "Curly Bracket" key { you will open up the submenu that allows you to enter custom variables. However, the first option is to insert Logic.

creating a variable Once selected this will bring up our Logic generating module. 

adding logic to your text

Type in the logic you require and press save. This will generate the code for you and include it into the text box. This works with our variables and we also support "else" statements as well.